In this second part of our series we will continue to address how to boost search engine optimization (SEO) performance by using social media. In part 1 we learned how to use social media to create direct links, dominate the SERPS and create brand awareness. Today we have some more helpful ideas about using social media for SEO inspired by an episode of Moz Whiteboard Friday.

Use social media to drive traffic and 2nd order links

Drive traffic to your website and your services by using social media. As an example, on Twitter you can tweet direct links to content on your website. You can also gain traffic to your own website by tweeting direct links to someone else’s content that has in it a link to your site. Whichever way you choose to do it, traffic is likely coming to your site.  

Traffic can come directly through the link to your content. This kind of link building is call 1st tier link building:


Traffic can also come indirectly through promoting someone else’s articles that link to your site. This kind of link building is called 2nd order link building:


Before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s take a moment to address the layout of tweets that are more likely to get noticed. There is a good way to lay out the contents of your Tweet so that it stands out more. Be sure you first have text introducing the link, then the actual link, then some additional text after the link. If you want you can add a hashtag, reference or via at the very end.

A little like this:

Check out this cool article – – more words about it here #hashtagheremaybe via @duenorthseo

Use social media as a source of content for your website

Your social media profiles can be a source, both direct and inspirational, of content for your website. For instance, it can be a source of direct content if you take something you created on social media, or something you like on social media, and essentially rebuild it into a blog post on your website. Which, as you may notice, is exactly what we’re doing with the video from Moz for this very blog post. 

Social media can also provide sources of inspiration for content on your website. Maybe you have an interesting conversation going on Twitter. Take that and re-leverage it into content on your blog. All of this is important for your SEO because fresh content on your website lets search engines know that you are alive as a business, not static and ‘dead’.

That concludes our 2 post guide of using social media as a way to strengthen your SEO. We hope that you have learned at least a few things about why social media is important for SEO. Take some steps today and use the resources you have control of, such as social media profiles, and optimize them to be used for SEO.